My School Schedule at ISD

Background information: I am a high school freshman attending the International School of Dakar, an IB system establishment.

8:00 I arrive at school, and shoot some hoops before the bell rings at 8:25.

8:25 Bell. This signifies that we have 5 minutes to get to our block one class before the starting time of 8:30.

8:30 School starts. Anyone who comes after the time will be marked tardy.

9:50. End of block one. 10 minutes break before second block

10:00 Beginning of block two.

11:15 End of block two. This signifies the start of either extended block, advisory or a community meeting (entire high school and teachers). Advisory is every other Monday, and every Thursday. Extended Block is Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Friday and every other Thursday. Community meeting is every other Monday, unless a consecutive meeting is necessary.

11:55 Beginning of lunch

12:25 End of lunch, 5 minutes before beginning of block three.

13:50 End of block three, 10 Minute break until 14:00, block four.

15:20 End of school. Some students participate in after-school activities: these generally start around 15:30-45.





My Poem

This work was based on the achievements of Martin Luther King. I recently read a book about the Civil Rights Movement, so I felt like writing a poem based on the ideals of the campaign. For a little background, Selma, Alabama, was one of the more racist areas in the United States in the 1960s. As a result, it was one of the bigger concerns for African-American Civil Rights groups.



Through the streets of Selma 

Freedom walks, freedom rings

He yells, chants, for the people

As his words shine and bling

Emanating from Martin

The Luther to the King  

White to the left, colored in the corner

Acquitted for trial, but Emmett’s at the coroner

Martin will end it, oh yes for sure

For society as we know it is still not pure

Through the streets of Selma

Freedom has something to say

And he will not stop talking

Until the last of his days

Emanating from Martin

The Luther to the King  

And may the voice of freedom

Continue to sing 



Let’s Tell A Story…




The couple stepped out of the car. Mary, the wife, helped her husband, Nik, handle the baggages and enter the house.

“This home has an eery look to it. ” Mary muttered. “You say that about everything!” Nik replied.

However, it seemed Mary’s prophecy would come to life. Before the couple could enter the home, the door opened itself. “VACATE THE RESIDENCCCCCCEEEEEEEE” a voice hissed.


That’s the story thus far. Can you finish it? What do you think will happen next?



My image


For activity 8, I used Adobe PhotoShop in order to create a promo-type image. My friend and I were making a song together, so I thought it would be cool if I made a cover. The process was rather simple, as I am a veteran of the application. The only issue I encountered was the positioning of each variable; the car kept going in front of the chair, so I had to switch them by doing certain commands.




The Comment Game😈

As instructed, I visited 9 blogs today. They are listed below:

N’aani’s Blog: A cool, thought-provoking page. I enjoyed reading her posts.

Ashley’s Blog: This blog was rather unorthodox when it came to following the challenge’s directions, but the posts were nonetheless interesting and fact-filled.

Christina’s Blog: The heading and themes (fonts, background) already had my eyes on this blog. In addition to the artsy aspect of this site, the actual posts were an interesting read.

Logan’s Blog: I could relate with this blog because it was concentrated on the sports side of things. If you are also a fan of American Football, you may want to check it out.

Sami’s Blog: This was an excellent example of a blog, as I could tell this person spent an extensive amount of time reinforcing their page. This site was mostly concentrated on politics and psychology and I was interested to see the views Sami had towards taking a stand and speaking up.

Fatima’s Blog: Yet another nicely designed blog…these setups are beginning to make me devalue my own😢  like Sami’s blog, the posts here were also quite a fun read, with an addition of cool facts and pieces of information.  

John’s Blog: Ayo B!😂. The author from this site is originated from New York, so I thought I’d get in the lingo. All jokes aside, I could relate to some of the topics discussed, as we are both fans of conscious rap music. Unfortunately, it is yet another site that makes mine look trash…   

Ryan’s Blog: This blog was focused mainly towards engineering; here, I was unable to relate, but regardless, the posts’ topics were interesting. He put a lot of lists on how to create things, so if you are interested in DIYs, don’t hesitate to scroll here.

Chris’ Blog: If you are looking for editorials, than this is the right place. Besides academic topics, there were many posts on his site discussing personal issues, or things he thinks could improve (e.g College fraternity culture).


I commented on John’s Blog, Sami’s Blog and Fatima’s Blog (Selection was random). Be sure to check out all the pages 🙂 byebye







Genius Hour Reflection

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "goodluck jonathan thinking"

Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan having a few reflections of his own.

For my Genius Hour presentation, I chose the learning subject of juggling a soccer ball.My reasoning for choosing such a subject comes from different directions. Firstly, I wanted to enhance my development as a football (soccer) player, as juggling is one of the basics of the sport. Secondly, my father used to incessantly bash my inability to juggle;  the Genius Hour was a perfect opportunity to put an end to his mockeries. Through learning how to juggle, I also learned more about myself. Starting from scratch enabled me to test my patience and ability to listen, as I was practicing and also viewing tutorial videos. Nowadays, when it comes to activities, I am either practicing piano and playing games of soccer. As a result, I feel more comfortable due to my experience. However, when it came to juggling, I was humbled as my skill was lacking when I first started. The learning process allowed me to come down to Earth a bit because it was the first time since last spring that I was trying something relatively new.This Genius Hour helped me because I was finally able to face something that had been in front of me since I started playing soccer. It allowed me to have more courage and make the time to finally “deal with it”. When I realised my goal, it taught myself a valuable lesson: your goal is possible if you make it a priority and spend the time required. For the next Genius Hour presentation, I would like to explore the world of music: in particular, producing. Music is definitely my passion, and I have already started writing songs. However, I never really paid mind to composing and producing songs, and that is something I believe will make me a “multi-purpose artist”. Although such a goal should be centralised towards me, this can also have an impact on the world. Through production, I can interact with other artists and produce for them. Most people listen to music, and they could be inspired from my work. Such inspiration will restart the cycle.